Colorado water, water rights, prior appropriation doctrine, water court, water rights engineering

Water Rights in the western U.S. are typically based on the prior appropriation system. The prior appropriation system, also known as “first in time, first in right”, is designed for dry climates, where it is better for one user to get a full supply rather than multiple users not getting enough to be useful. Water rights holders also have to show continued use, or they may lose their water right. In Colorado, every ten years the State Engineer develops a list of water rights it believes have been abandoned, and it is up to the water right owner to either provide evidence of use or show why the right shouldn’t be abandoned.

High Country Hydrology specializes in water resources engineering in states using the prior appropriation system. By specializing in water rights, we provide our clients true expertise in our field. We have experience in filing new direct flow, storage, and exchange rights, and have worked for both applicants and objectors in water court proceedings. We have both planned and carried out due diligence to avert claims of abandonment. We are experts in water rights modeling, and have been qualified as expert witnesses in water court.

If you have concerns about your water rights, contact High Country for a confidential consultation.